Thursday, October 30, 2008

Orange Days of Giving

Every August, ING Direct US organizes the annual Orange Days of Giving. On this day, almost all the workers from one location (East Coast, West Coast, and Midwest) do something different: instead of working at the bank, we were building houses, painting schools, and fixing a school's playground (for example, by painting a map of the United States on the ground). We finished this day of hard work with a nice party on Wilmington's riverfront. Work hard, play hard! Pictures of this day are at the bottom of this message.

You might be wondering: how does ING Direct US do this, with the current market situation where many banks don't even survive? Thanks to wise decisions in the past: our mortgages were never sold to investors, like many mortgage lenders did. Because we lended out our 'own' money, and because we want to help the financial situation of Americans by encouraging them to save more money, a conservative approach was used while originating mortgages. This means that customers need to find a house that fits their needs, yet is appropriate to their financial situation. If they do this, we will offer them a very competitive interest rate. This standpoint in the current market, combined with genius marketing and a customer friendly approach, made ING Direct US a strong survivor of the current crisis. Below is a video of our CEO, Arkadi Kuhlmann, where he explains why this strategy is chosen. His book is very good by the way! Moreover, here is a news article about ING Direct US!.