Monday, December 1, 2008


Last Thursday, Novermber 27, was Thanksgiving day in the US: the day on which everyone gets all their family together to eat as much (turkey) as possible. Because it was my first thanksgiving, I tried to get the most out of it!

My co-worker Blair invited me to his house for a dinner, that started around noon in his house in the suburbian area of Newark, DE. His son 'Little John' celebrated his first birthday! With a gefeliciteerd (congratulations) decoration, I tried to give him an international experience at a young age. After we filled the 6 feet table with all the turkey & other food, there was barely space left for the plates! We managed everything and enjoyed a great meal while watching the Macy's parade and Football games on his 50' TV.

The next meal was scheduled in Philly's southern suburbs at 4pm. Again turkey, this time combined with potatoes, carrots and mais. After too much (but very good) food ând some great conversations on the differences between the holidays in the Netherlands versus the US (for example, try to explain the Sinterklaas story in the US...), we left to go back into the city for the Eagles game!

By now, I am completely addicted to all the sports in the US. Therefore I wanted to go to another Eagles game this year! Since they haven't been playing very well the last few games, the tickets dropped in price, which was a great opportunity to see them on Thursday. And although it got kinda cold, it was definitely worth it: they beat the Arizona Cardinals with 48-20!! After 6 touchdowns, the stadium was going comletely crazy.

Summarized: a long, gezellig, and entertaining Thanksgiving day which I won't forget! Thank you Blair, and Carrie's parents for having me over! Here are some pictures of the day: